Thanks so much for all your prayers, comments and emails. I made it through surgery fine yesterday. The surgeon said my gallbladder was diseased and it was a good thing they took it out. I feel such a relief and validation. I knew my pain wasn’t all in my head! I’m just real sore and taking it easy, grateful to God for His comfort and presence and thrilled to have it behind me! On to today’s blog:

Doug Stone pic Kyle Idleman

Many of you know of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY (one of the largest churches in the US). They have recently decided to join the multi-site revolution. I know there are many thoughts and philosophies on the multi-site movement. SCC put together a pretty funny and interesting video clip to introduce the concept/vision to their congregation. They interviewed the President of Kentucky Fried Chicken and asked him why he doesn’t just have one big KFC that everyone could go to, instead of having multiple KFC’s throughout the country. Check it out, by going to their sermon page and clicking on “Church on the Move”. What are your thoughts?

FYI – To my communication and video friends, they have some cool job openings:

Communications Ministry Director

IT Network Engineer

Information Technology Director – Full-time

IT Ministry Liaison Technician

IT Data Entry Technician

IT Desktop Technician

Student/Vine Sound and Lights Media Manager

Student/Vine Ministry Team Programming Director

Communications Ministry Videographer

Worship Team Video Producer