Igniter Media Group (who usually owns the Top 10 slots at companies like SermonSpice and WorshipHouse Media) has announced what they’re up to these days. I blogged before about their new Igniter Backs Volume 2. In their latest newsletter they announced two new product lines. They mentioned that one of the new product lines is called Bumpers. I played around with a demo of this a couple of weeks ago. It should be pretty cool. Their second new product line is their Igniter Tracks, which I’m excited about testing out and using on a Sunday morning with the Click Track feature.

Free Igniter Media grunge

FREE from Igniter this month is a download of a loopable motion and 2 stills from their Igniter Backs Volume 2. Just go to their homepage and click on “Free Download”.


Igniter Uber Pack
I have no doubt that some of you reading this blog have never heard of Igniter and don’t own any of their products. Let me introduce you to their Uber Pack.  This would be one of the best investments and additions to your media library that you could get. I can’t recommend it highly enough. The Uber Pack comes with all four volumes of Igniter Videos and both volumes of Igniter Backs – ALL for only $199.95 – that’s a savings of $120! Buy it – you won’t regret it.